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Hello and Welcome to Embodied Breath Coaching!

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What kind of support do you desire? 


I am a Trauma Informed Breathwork & Energy Healing Coach, offering private 1:1 sessions, classes, corporate sessions & breathwork recordings.


Breathwork is an active meditation to get you out of your head and into your body, helping release stuck emotions.

Benefits of Breathwork include soothing your nervous system, releasing stress, improving memory and drive, boosting the immune system, stronger connection to yourself and Universe, God or Source.  I could go on for days so I will stop, let's breathe!

I work with groups, corporations and privately with individuals to provide transformational Breathwork healing.

A session consists of listening to what's on your mind, crafting an intention to call in what you desire and release what's not serving you.  I start with guided meditation, the breathwork and then a closing mediation.  Space afterwords to share or rest. All to music set to a specific bpm, designed solely for you.


If you are interested in seeing if Breathwork or Energy Healing Coaching is for you, schedule a free discovery call here.

Energy Healing Coaching

Energy Healing Coaching is much like life coaching except we also access energy work to help you shift into a state of more openness and relief.  

Mindset work is only a small part of healing.   Trauma and stuck emotions are stored in the body.  We use energy & body work to liberate parts of you that need it most.

Bring what's on your heart and mind, then I cater the session to suit your needs.  Sometimes this includes breathwork as well.  We are changing your current state to uplift and soothe your system and clear your energy.  

I'm ready to book a session now!

Do something for you.  You deserve it.

Download Free Breathwork for Inner Peace. Ahhh!

Free Breathwork Here

What people are saying..

"Alisha really took the time to focus on my feelings in a non-judgmental way.  I immediately had a sense of trust and opened up, which allowed her to cater the session to my specific needs.  I felt heard and seen which allowed me a spiritual growth, something I've been craving in my life.  I highly recommend this experience and I look forward to my next awakening." -Private Client


"It was a really lovely, comforting, powerful session where I felt truly safe enough to release that deep ache from my throat safely with you.  It's amazing that can happen so far away from each other!" - 1st time Breathwork Client

Commit to your Healing journey. We all grew up with patterns.  This is your space to be with it all and step into your highest self and all that is meant for you, beautiful soul.  

Apply here to work together one on one in Energy Healing Coaching.

Energy Healing Client Application for 3 month commitment 


Click here to schedule one session now.


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